Persepsi Gelagat Pengguna Berdasarkan Elemen Perkongsian Keuntungan Perniagaan Peruncit (The Perceptions of Consumer Behaviour Based on Retailers’ Profit Sharing Elements)


  • Nur Hafizah Ramli Ramli
  • Nur Zaidah Che Mohd Nor


Abstrak: Kepesatan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara telah menyebabkan kewujudan banyak entiti perniagaan. Keadaan ini secara tidak langsung menyebabkan persaingan yang sengit untuk menarik pelanggan. Namun demikian, pelanggan sentiasa terpedaya dengan segala teknik yang amalkan seperti membuat promosi, diskaun, kupon dan sebagainya semata-mata firma mengaut keuntungan dan untuk kepentingan mereka. Dari sudut pengguna pula, mereka tidak akan memberi responsif kecuali promosi yang ditawarkan memberikan faedah kepada mereka. Semua teknik promosi ganjaran yang disediakan oleh peruncit kepada pengguna memberi ganjaran (faedah, insentif, galakkan) yang menggalakkan sesetengah gelagat pengguna. Oleh itu, dalam kajian ini, diandaikan teknik peruncit dijadikan sebagai alat untuk pengguna menikmati dapat keuntungan daripada peruncit. Pembangunan model ekonomi baru dengan memasukkan elemen perkongsian keuntungan dalam model gelagat di mana model ekonomi baru ini bertujuan untuk menilai persepsi dan gelagat pengguna  berdasarkan elemen perkongsian keuntungan.

Kata kunci: Persepsi; Gelagat Pengguna; Perkongsian Keuntungan



Abstract: The rapid economic growth of the country has led to the existence of many business entities. This situation indirectly leads to intense competition to attract customers. However, customers are always deceived by all the techniques that are practised such as making promotions, discounts, coupons and so on solely for profit and their benefit. From the consumer's point of view, they will not be responsible unless the promotion offered benefits them. All reward promotion techniques provided by retailers to consumers provide rewards (benefits, incentives) that encourage certain consumer behaviours. Therefore, in this study, it is assumed that the retailer technique is used as a tool for consumers to enjoy being able to profit from the retailer. Development of a new economic model by incorporating profit-sharing elements in the behavioural model where this new economic model aims to assess consumer perceptions and behaviours based on profit sharing elements.


Keywords: Perception; Consumer Behaviour; Profit Sharing


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How to Cite

Ramli, N. H. R., & Che Mohd Nor, N. Z. (2021). Persepsi Gelagat Pengguna Berdasarkan Elemen Perkongsian Keuntungan Perniagaan Peruncit (The Perceptions of Consumer Behaviour Based on Retailers’ Profit Sharing Elements). Journal of Human Capital Development (JHCD), 13(2), 13–20. Retrieved from



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